How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

What Is Acne And Who Gets It

The word acne was based on the work acme whose meaning is the ‘optimum point’ which is derived from the Greek word akme that means a point or a pinch. In medical field, it is called as Acne Vulgaris, it is a disease of skin in which there is an involvement of oil glands at the lower level of hair vacuole.

In human beings, pimples usually appear on their face, neck and chest. Commonly put – the cells of skin, sebum and the clump of hair car joint with each other in a plug, when the plug is get affected due to bacteria, then the skin swells. When the breaking of plug is done then the pimple starts developing.

Acne is the common reason of spots. Mostly the people who have acne are of the age limit of 12 and 25 but there is also a possibility that the old aged people also get affected by this. Boys are more usually affected as compared to girls. Face of people is usually get affected by acne but sometimes back, chest and neck may also get affected by it. Acne can be treated but sometimes it cannot be treated easily. Sometimes, the time span of acne increases to 4 to 5 years.

How to Get Rid of Acne Overnight

·     Tablets that can treat acne

There are different tablets used with the help of which the acne can be treated.

Antibiotic tablets

The antibiotics help in killing bacteria which can contribute to the source of acne. They also have an impact of diminishing inflammation. For clearing the inflamed spots of acne, antibiotics are considered to be very helpful. The treatment of acne depends upon the severity of acne. If the acne is not that much severe then the person can use simple treatment and if they have many blackheads as well as whiteheads then the topical treatment must be used.

The pill (a hormone treatment) to get rid of acne scars

The integrated contraceptive pill helps women in getting rid of acne if the acne is partially related to the changes in hormones, for example, the acne that is started or became worst in the adult age or if the acne seems to flutter during a time period. The oestrogen portion of the pill helps in getting rid of acne.


The rate of sebum is reduced by isotretinoin. Sebum is produced by sebaceous glands. It performs very well and normally clears all the spots even if they are very severe.

  • Natural ways of getting rid of acne scars

Tea Tree Oil

For the treatment of acne, oil of tea tree can be used. It has properties of antibacterial which can assist in fighting with bacteria which can cause problems of skin. It gives smoothness to skins which can lessen the redness of pimples. The whiteheads and black heads are also dried out by this.


Steaming is very good for the skin at any point in time, but specifically when there are pimples on the face. The pores of skin are opened with the help of steam and skin will be able to breathe. In this way, the oils, dust and bacteria will be removed and will caught in the pores due to which infection can be caused.

1. The container should be filled with water and the steam produced by boiling water should be come in contact with the face for some time.

2. Use less warm water for rinsing the face and then dry it and apply a moisturizer.


Another way of getting rid of acne is by using juice of lemon. It has vitamin C in it. It helps the pimples to be dried faster. The lemon should be fresh, it should not be from any bottle.


Ice also helps in getting rid of acne. Ice provides coldness to the skin which in the result helps in reducing the redness and swelling. It helps to improve the circulation of blood in the area which is affected. The cubes of ice can be used for some time on the area on which there is acne.